The following SQL statement allows me to select and format the entires into the MythVideo Metadata table for recordings made with my Panasonic camera. Posted here just for future reference.
SELECT substr(`filename`,32,10), CONCAT_WS(':',substr(`filename`,43,2),concat(substr(`filename`,45,2),' Uhr')) FROM `videometadata` WHERE `filename` LIKE '%MTS%' AND `filename` REGEXP '[0-9]{4}[-][0-9]{2}[-][0-9]{2}[-]' AND NOT(`filename` REGEXP '[0-9]{8}') AND NOT(`filename` LIKE '%720%') AND NOT(`filename` LIKE '%Unsere Videos%') LIMIT 0 , 100
then I only need to convert it to an Update statement like
UPDATE mythconverg.videometadata SET
to comit it to the database.
Similarly, to add the Season and Episode numbers (S##E##) to the syndicatedepisodenumber field using this command:
UPDATE mythconverg.recordedprogram SET `syndicatedepisodenumber` = concat(concat(concat(convert(substr(`subtitle`,2,2),SIGNED),'.'),convert(substr(`subtitle`,5,2),SIGNED)),'.0/0')
WHERE `subtitle` REGEXP '^[S][0-9]{2}[E][0-9]{2}'